Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Little Boat Goes Out to Sea.

So, it's officially out of my hands now.

I had to go back and forth a little on the artwork with the guys at the duplication house. It's amazing how much picture quality differs, from monitor to monitor, from Mac to PC. We finally got to something that looked okay and printed great. I'm crossing my fingers and setting the little boat out to sea.

The next I hear of this record, there will be 1500 on my doorstep, ready for sale.

I'm - Dare I say it? - a little excited?

I have been diving into the Indie Music Business and the people who preach it, trying to come up with strategies and a business plan to execute that would make me not feel like I'm flailing about aimlessly, music-wise. Notions are starting to form. A plan is beginning to shape itself. Yes, it's a little exciting.

I've been getting validation from some of the most exalted and unexpected places. Hope flutters around my heart, for the record, for music, for all of life, some days.

Off for tea with my friend Jon. I have been dog-tired all day (stayed up until 2:30am working on a guitar track for a new EP I'm working on), but now that it's time for work to release its hold, I'm finding my energy again.

If you get a chance, listen to The Masterson Inheritance on BBC7. It's amazing to hear people making up funny, funny comedy on the fly. At Home With the Snails is also great, but very, very twisted.

All is full of love,

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Record.

So, the record is essentially finished.

I've approved the mastering, the album is what it's going to be.

I am nervous. I am really, really nervous. I did not take the easy road with the tracklisting - the album is a journey of sorts, and it's hard before it gets easy. I've had changes suggested to me, but they all seemed silly and not right. I'm going with my gut on this one.

*phew*. Breathe out.

Getting the artwork right is going to be another hurdle. The artwork is a rich vibrant red, but when it's converted to CMYK, the colors wash out to the hue of stale meat. Yeesh. There are a couple of things that can be done, cross your fingers for me.

The sun is out, doing wonders for my mood. It's a beautiful day. I am writing again, being surprised by my own words and melodies. There's an EP in the works, I'm to pass it to one of my favorite, favorite singer songwriters I happened to meet late last year. I've been dilly-dallying for a long time on this, nervous about my song choice, my production skills, etc. In the past couple of days I've found the will to get on with it.

It feels good.


Saturday, May 03, 2008


I found my brother on facebook today.

I just assumed he was as uncommunicative with the rest of the world as he is with his family, but no. He seems to be a healthy, well-liked individual, even if a religious conservative. His main picture is of himself as a two year old, and it nearly brought tears to my eyes. "My two year old brother is getting married next month," was the thought that crossed my mind. My brother is the first of the four of us to marry.

My sister is having a baby. She slipped and told me it's a boy. She's still thinking about names and all that. Her second child, her second boy. She is the first of the four of us to bring life into this world, and she's about to do it again, and what an awesome, awesome thing that is.

My sister is scheduled to deliver her little bun the week after my brother gets married. Which could be a sitcom. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping the drama will space itself appropriately.

I am so self-absorbed most days it's hard to remember to look up. But today I looked up and remembered my family, and how we're all at these interesting life stages, and how it wouldn't hurt to be in touch with them more often.

They are the ones who know me the best, after all.
