Monday, December 11, 2006

Asked. And Received.

Words are formative, aren't they?

Almost instantly after lamenting that I had spent the entire day at home, I received a message from my friends Jill and Paul, visiting from Philadelphia for the day. I met them and Jodi in Manhattan, at Merchants, a favorite Chelsea haunt of mine. The below-stairs working fireplace, with appetizers and great chat, was *just* the thing.

Got to see Jodi's swank studio apartment a few blocks away. Jodi's got a lot of great music. And she had a spare Sunday New York Times.

I swear, *someone* listens when I speak.

All my ducks are in a row for my meeting with Producers #1 and #2 today. CDs burned, calendars created. I'm nervous, people. It begins *today*.



Jodi said...

...and you totally kicked MY ass into gear. Thank you so much for your contagious energy and support. My CDs are in a mailer and I'm getting ready to go to the post office...yay!

I hope we will get to musically and socially combine again soon. Rock on with your production meeting today!!

Anonymous said...

I know this has nothing to do with your post, but I just wanted to say nice list. I've been going through some of the other list on the Triplex site and it's either weird or amazing that some goals are repeated from one person to next.

Also, you are linked.

Jules. said...


Jodi - I'm so glad you sent your CDs off! Now, tell me what you need to do next, and I'll bug you about that as well! Heh, heh. Sorry I haven't been able to give you a ring back. I have been *deep* into recording this whole week, and Need a morning to bring myself out of the daze before I can talk to normal people again.

SA - Thanks for your comments on my list! I had to go to other people's list and get ideas to round my list out. When you can, send me the URL for your list and I'll post it on my site.

