Saturday, December 30, 2006

Coming Up For Air.

It's just 10:15am. The beginning of my last work day for the year. It will be quiet in here today.

I was in the studio all day Thursday and Friday. Two more songs to get basic tracks for, and then we can start with the everything else. No more sessions until the second week of January, but there's a lot of listening and assessing to do.

My melancholy mood has lifted, a bit.

Scene and Structure, while chock-full of helpful information, is proving to be a difficult read. I also picked up Orson Scott Card's amazing Characters and Viewpoint (from the same series). I'm only on page 50, but this book has me asking serious questions about my plot and characters. There is a *lot* of work to do to make this story fly.

I saw Brazil on Wednesday, and now officially *love* Terry Gilliam. *Beautiful* movie. All about the internal, and the eternal. Replayed the movie with his commentary immediately after watching it the first time, and I'm glad I did. I feel a kinship of sorts with Terry, American Anglophile that he is. Michael Palin also shocked me with his performance: he was tall, handsome, and dangerous. *Very* different from his Python persona.

I know already that it will break my heart to watch Lost in La Mancha. But I will do it. Just to watch Creative Spirit in action.

That's something I need to see these days.


1 comment:

Burt said...

"Brazil" is amazing; one of my favorite movies of all time! I hope you saw Gilliam's cut, and not the studio's "Love Conquers All" happy-ending version. I'd love to see "Lost in La Mancha" too. Happy New Year!