Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas.

Hey there. Merry Christmas to you.

I hope you're celebrating well.

I have a case of the holiday blahs, for all the usual reasons why one would feel down at this time of year. It's okay, though. I was ready for the blahs this year (as opposed to last year, when they completely blindsided me). There's plenty to do.

I'm working on a new scarf. It's not looking too good right now, but I'm going to finish it anyway. I have not yet figured out how to elegantly change from one color to another, nor can I get the ribbed portions of my scarf to not shrink in.

I've finished Conflict, Action and Suspense and am starting on Scene and Structure, trying to cram as much technique in as possible before I pick the novel back up again in a few days. I printed both NaNoNovels at work yesterday, all 324 pages.

Have to work tomorrow. That's okay. I'm hoping it will be a quiet day at the office. Perfect for online shopping. I stored away a little cash for self retail gratification.


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