Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Good Read.

I'm bushed at the end of a long, long workweek. There's a car coming to pick me up and take me home in ten minutes.

I finished A Confederacy of Dunces today. What a great book.

I'm surprised, actually, that the story was as touching to me as it was.

There's an interesting story behind the book, as well - the author committed suicide at age 32 - 11 years before the book was published. His mother forced her way into the office of a Loyola University professor, and browbeat the man into reading the book, which led to its publication and winning of the Pulitzer Prize.

There have been plans to make it a movie forever, but the potential leads kept dying - John Belushi, John Candy, Chris Farley.

Catcher in the Rye is next, novel-wise. I started reading it before, actually, but got so annoyed at Holden Caufield that I put it down. I'll get through it this time.

Time to run...home. Bed. It's the end of the week, baybee!


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