Thursday, February 01, 2007

FAWM/RPM - Day 1. 10pm.
The Difference A Day Makes.

Wow, what a fantastic day.

It's amazing, how things turn on a dime. You invite a little positivity in your life, and some days it *rushes* in. Almost too fast for you to accept it.

Got a head start on my FAWMing in the wee hours, and wrote a lyric to a guitar snippet I had floating around. The song is called "A Diamond. Mine." It's 90 percent there. Bridge? No bridge? I probably won't decide until the actual demoing. (I've decided to not call a song "finished" until I have a fully demoed version of it, so I probably won't be "finishing" anything for a week or so.) It's a wanna-be Patty Griffin song.

*Love* her. She's got a new album out next week, by the way.

I then called the Gibson showroom and made an appointment to go in tomorrow and try some guitars. After a great phone conversation with a friend I haven't spoken to in a while, I decided to get off my rear end and go to Guitar Center on 14th Street.

I *detest* music stores. They're usually crowded, and the salespeople can be anything from unhelpful to condescending. I haven't been to one in a long, long time. But, I decided to go and play as many guitars as struck my fancy, regardless of how crowded it was.

So I went. And it wasn't overcrowded. And Drew, a very attentive sales person, brought me a few guitars and gave involved recommendations for amps. I didn't play that many guitars, but I found a couple I liked a lot.

Then, I went to get dinner. I dropped into the Garden of Eden on 14th Street, and the store employees all start *smiling* at me and chatting me up. I swear. I roamed the store, dazedly trying to get something to eat, and would be startled by another person saying hello. The guy behind the cheese counter just starts handing me free slivers of cheese (the etorki was *lovely*). I had to call the manager and tell him how great all his employees were.

On the subway ride home, I look up at the guy whose seat I took, and he's smiling warmly back at me. New York was really friendly today.

Got some great MySpace messages from (former) strangers today. And, the cherry on the cake is that I heard from another friend of mine who I haven't seen in ages. We're meeting tomorrow to play more guitars and chat.

So, yay! I'll have chosen a guitar by this time tomorrow.

And, I know which song I want to work on next. Let's see what I can do by midnight.


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