Monday, February 05, 2007

FAWM/RPM - Day 5.

Hi. Been away for a couple of days, didn't mean to do that. I am a jumpy, jumpy jumping bean.

It was a busy weekend at work. Met up with Jodes Sunday night for some chat and Earl Grey.

I've been writing at a couple more songs, haven't finished anything further.

I ordered my computer equipment today! Yay! Excellent. Will have a functional recording system in a matter of weeks.

My lil sis is headed off to Korea in a couple of weeks. Having fun packing, sis. Love you.



Burt said...

Hey Jules,
Re: FAWM: You could post your lyrics and add the recordings later. I'm dying to hear "Can't Recall the Moment You Fell Down." Very interesting title!

Jules. said...

Hey Burt!

I thought about posting the lyrics, but they really don't scan. I would rather present them in context, with the demo.

I'll probably be posting a big bunch of songs together, toward the end of the month.

Hope your Album writing month is going famously!
