Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Am Feeling Very Writerly... these first few moments of Saturday.

I just got home from a long write tonight. Went to the same diner that I went to after the lovely write-in on Wednesday night. I did four thousand words this morning, another five this evening. This evening, I wrote through a scene and added some depths to it that surprised me, filled a few plot holes without even trying. I will enjoy writing this novel again, fleshing out the story even more, trying to make these characters' relationships and true feelings about each other complete from the beginning.

Chicago is still 60K ahead of us. It's pissing me off by the day, let me tell you. Don't make me pull out a long writing day on you guys.

Lilián asked me what my story is about. Hm. Okay. How can I tell you and not tell you at the same time?

My story is about a group of unusual relatives. Ones who were once thick as thieves, but who fell apart when one, let's say, died. Except, he didn't die. He's stuck, let's say, in another land, one far far away. And they've all got to work together to get him back. Except, the other siblings all have their reasons to bring him back...or not. Do they get him back? How? Can they get him back without killing each other?

The setup isn't at all original. It was done much better, by a master. One of my favorite authors. A kick ass author. I'm going to have to work really hard to mask my characters so they don't appear, instantly, like the characters of my favorite author.

It's a fitting challenge, though.

My friend Jodi did a show tonight at the Bitter End. She was *fabulous*. You *go*, Jodes.


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