Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Struggling Up Over The Top.

It's 2:33am.

I just got my goal done, I'm at 170K, approximately. Went to the write-in tonight, did an obscene amount of socializing (which is why I'm up until 2:30am).

I'm seeing the end of this, one and a half pages of outline left. Fourteen scenes, thirty thousand words.

Quality has gone completely out the window. I putting down whatever comes into my head. There's an action scene, and I didn't put as much thought into it as I would have liked. I know that's what revisions are for.

Just got a book shipment: John Cage. Oulipo novelsts. A CD of the Gymnopedie that will make me cry, if I'm not careful.

Right now, I'm going to bed.


1 comment:

Andrew Spong said...

How you do it, I really don't know, but respect in superabundance for your astonishing NNWM productivity.