Monday, December 03, 2007

Still Coming Down.

I'm still coming down off November.

Our kickoff party was Saturday night. I had a great time. Drank two glasses of Chardonnay (one glass and a half more than I usually drink) and got very merry. A group of us went for french fries and chicken nuggets at mcdonalds afterwards.

NYC Nanos are a fun, fun bunch. It is good when so many of us are in one room.

And there was some surprise relationship action going on. I'm not mentioning any names.

I'm enjoying not having to make word count for the day. I'm at work today and tomorrow, but then another crazy month begins - I am determined to get all the recording work for my EP and album done this month, finish the artwork, and have everything off for mastering and duplication by the end of the month.

It's not over with the novel, though.

I need to rework the outline a little fill some plot holes, and figure some things out tone-wise. I really am going to try to make these ideas publish-worthy without getting sued by Neil Gaiman. I'm joining the spinoff writer's group, and have contemplating trying to get the first couple of chapters in shape to be critiqued. Hm.

I'd like to start revisions late January, early February, although I also have to get things going with album promotion and scheduling shows. There's a limit to how many things I can do at one time - I'm still deciding what to prioritize where.

Nun-O-Wri-Mo is in February, though. I definitely got to get in on that action.

I just finished reading Graham Greene's The End of The Affair. Heartbreaking book. Didn't really fully grok the point until the last two pages.

Good LitFic can do that to you.



Dee said...

babe, i think the only people surprised by the relationship action going on were you and the female participant. although certain other people were surprised that the male participant finally stepped up and did something.

Unknown said...

Hey Jules, are you still interested in the writers group? I need your real email to add you to the google group for it - can you email it to me at my gmail acct?