Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Record.

So, the record is essentially finished.

I've approved the mastering, the album is what it's going to be.

I am nervous. I am really, really nervous. I did not take the easy road with the tracklisting - the album is a journey of sorts, and it's hard before it gets easy. I've had changes suggested to me, but they all seemed silly and not right. I'm going with my gut on this one.

*phew*. Breathe out.

Getting the artwork right is going to be another hurdle. The artwork is a rich vibrant red, but when it's converted to CMYK, the colors wash out to the hue of stale meat. Yeesh. There are a couple of things that can be done, cross your fingers for me.

The sun is out, doing wonders for my mood. It's a beautiful day. I am writing again, being surprised by my own words and melodies. There's an EP in the works, I'm to pass it to one of my favorite, favorite singer songwriters I happened to meet late last year. I've been dilly-dallying for a long time on this, nervous about my song choice, my production skills, etc. In the past couple of days I've found the will to get on with it.

It feels good.



Anonymous said...


I'm very happy to hear that you've finished the record. Do let me know as soon as it's available anywhere (and in any form). I continue to think of you as fabulously talented, and your songs still elicit goosebumps when iTunes shuffles them my way.

Hope you're well and feeling great about the whole process. I may also need some album-recording advice from you someday soon.

Evin Wolverton

Jules. said...

Aye, dios mio, Evin.

Did I ever thank you for the mention on your page? FAWM was such a firestorm of energy that nosedove off a cliff once March hit, I'm not sure I said everything to everyone that I wanted to....

There's *nothin* I can tell you about making a record. Just have somebody put a mic up and record those amazing songs of yours. Between When God Gets Drunk and Elephant

I stomp the bass to the basement,

Evin Wolverton said...

No thanks necessary - and no foul for post-February reclusiveness. I'm as guilty as any.

Send a note to sometime? I have a resonant feeling about you and would love to stay in at least sporadic contact.

Love & theft,