Thursday, April 09, 2009


It's just gone noon.

I am putting the finishing touches on my taxuality.

I found some steak in my fridge and had steak for breakfast. Why does everything taste better with medium-heat salsa on it?

Looks like I am officially breaking out of the cave tonight: I will go to the NaNo writers' group, comments in hand. I'm even considering volunteering for the next one, and resubmitting one of the two stories I wrote for the Gotham class.

I also plan on catching a show on the LES tonight.

There are a million things I should be doing. But, today I will be satisfied with getting my tax worksheet done, and may celebrate with something gooey and chocolate tomorrow, once the taxes are filed.

Good times ahead,


Anonymous said...

Err, what's a LES?

Light Emitting Shoebox?
Live Entertainment Stage?
Liquor-Eyed Sockpuppet?

Jules. said...


LES = Lower East Side.

Although a Liquor-Eyed Sockpuppet is much funnier. I'd watch that.