Tuesday, February 06, 2007

FAWM/RPM - Day 6.

I'm sitting here at work, just letting my mind wander.

I have a songwriting notebook to jot ideas down in, but sometimes lyrics come a little easier if I'm typing. I've completed a high level scan of song #3, called Eyes Burn So Brown (which happens to fit in with last week's color challenge). I may spend some time this week working up the demos on the equipment I have currently.

Going to try to write another two songs this week before I see Jodes again on Sunday night. Need to speed things up - I feel like I'm *way* behind. I *really* care about the songs I'm trying to finish, and that is probably slowing me down. It's too important that they be *right*. So, I'm going to put those aside and work on all my crap songs. The ones I know it will be a miracle to finish at all.

I won't be able to see my sister before she heads off to Korea, which makes me a little sad. But, I working up something to send to her. Heh, heh.

What else?

It's the last day of work for the week. I plan to make this weekend a productive one.



Burt said...

Hi Jules! What do you mean by "high level scan?"

Jules. said...

Hey Burt!

Using consultant-speak there. I just meant that I have a complete form written on paper, such as it is.

I haven't created the guitar track for this yet, so something may change in the process of recording.
