Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Well, It's April.

Hello there, on the first day of April.

I don't quite have the earth - yet.

I am just starting to warm to my album, though. It's an ambitious piece of work. It doesn't always succeed in what it tries to do, but the attempt is there, bold as brass. I'm still making first round mastering edits. Contemplating whom to play it for in this nascent stage.

I spend the days mostly trying not to get overwhelmed with my insane things to do list. In addition to the soundwork on the album, there's still the matter of the artwork to get through. And then the website, which is being redesigned. Pieces swing by my head, trying to get fast enough to catch them all.

Meanwhile, I keep thinking about that little list on the side of this webpage, only some of those things are important. I'm thinking of changing it up, paring it down to the bare, necessary essentials.

There is a mountain of receipts at my feet, just waiting for me to enter them all into my tax spreadsheet. *sigh* I must do this before I can do the things on my things to do list that I actually *want* to do. My brain is all sped up on sugar and caffeine. I'm just going to dive in in a flurry and try to make it take as little time as possible.

hope it's all good
for you,