Friday, October 31, 2008

Whew. Three hours to go.

Hi there.

It's almost Nano, and I got nothing. No plot, no outline, nada.


Didn't make it to the kickoff party. That might have helped get me into the spirit a bit more.

I thought to go to the site today. There's no author search (so I can't find my brother, who's also doing Nano this year), and I doubt that my favorite feature (the "find yourself in the total word count list" feature) will be back. The site is also mega slow.

I'm bummed. I'm really not excited about this at all.

Dana wasn't even charged. I thought it might be broken, but then I was reminded by the kind tech support person that I had to charge it by USB. She seems to be right as rain now, so I will start typing something at midnight.


Here's to finding my enthusiasm.
