Monday, December 08, 2008


The Thank God It's Over party at Ryan Maguires was fun: loud chat, tarot readings, stout cake, caramel brownies, chocolate blobs, Vodka drinks and cajun fries. Got to put a lot of faces to names. Avi and Mel just about convinced me to take a Fiction Writing class at Gotham Writers.

I found an incredible book called the 3AM Ephipany, full of "back door" writing exercises. This book is a warm needle into my subconcious, Brian Kiteley whispers sweetly to my inner self every sentence. After many months of watching the book on my shelf, I took it out and finally started doing the first exercise, The Reluctant I. Six hundred words in the first person, in which "I" "me" or "my" is said only twice. Hm.

I've done several warm up writing sessions, and now have to put the final together.

My new mission is: getting all my Christmas shopping done THIS WEEK. I'm often sending out Christmas presents the second week of January. But I'm determined to have wrapped boxes under trees at a reasonable hour this year.

There's a new musical project knocking my door down. This is good, I need to make more music.

It's cold,