Thursday, November 09, 2006

NaNo - Day 9. Early Afternoon.

Hello. It's 11:20am. My day two of my three days off. Haven't done any writing yet today, but I'm in an infinitely better frame of mind than I was yesterday.

And, I turned on the radio today to find that 1. Dems will probably take over the House and the Senate and 2. Donald Rumsfeld has resigned!

"Is it my birthday?" I wondered briefly.

I'm not even *that* into politics. Seriously, it's been like watching a football game. Not that I'm even into sports, at all.

I'm dragging my feet novel-wise. But I'm going to muster up some enthusiasm, and finish the current incarnation of this story by...Day 13. That means 3,754 words per day, at least.

I think I can,



Anonymous said...

I was feeling very gloomy yesterday, too, despite the terrific election results. I think I hit the NaNo wall — where the hell do I go from here?! Unlike you, though, I gave up and went to bed with zero words for the day.

You're not going to stop right at 50,000 words are you? I don't think I'll be anywhere near my story's end at 50,000.

Keep up the great work. You're an inspiration!


Jules. said...

Hey, Burt -

I am probably going to stop this story at 50,000 words. I'm struggling to stretch the last few chapters out as it is.

I did get another idea that I might want to write another 50,000 words on...It's pretty ambitious. I'm trying to get close enough to the end of the current story so I can then focus on doing the outline for the second.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing to hear you talk about the "last few chapters." I just finished what seems like my introduction, setting up the story and the cast. My two main characters didn't even meet until two days ago! I've got a looooooong way to go!


Jules. said...

Hey Burt -

I burned through my outline pretty quickly - I told you I didn't have much of a plot! I probably could write more for each section, but I want a crack at this other story I have.

The second story uses the same kernel as the first, with more plot around it. One that might be a little longer than 50,000 words...
