Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's Five-A-Em And I'm Wired.

I'm not even sleepy.

I have to go to work in four and a half hours, and I'm still having trouble getting to bed.

The neighbors put twinkly lights on the fire escape right outside my bedroom window. The lights have been flashing nonstop for three days now. A cat sleeps in my lap. I'm having trouble focusing on Scene and Structure.

A strange time to be posting, perhaps.

All kinds of questions are coming up about the novel. A tremendous amount of research still needs to be done, character sketching, map making. The question sprung foward at the moment is: Could my character do what I need him to do?

Could he?

He's mentally unstable, or he's not.

If he is, then he could have done all the actions that set up the story, but there's no way he'd make it through the ordeal that comprises the meat of the novel.

If he's not, he could get himself through the novel okay, but there's suddenly no twist at the end.


I'll try to sleep on it. Or meditate on it to the blinking of the lights outside my window.



Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jules. Hope it saw you well.

And I've spent nights like that, only it was in a dorm room next door to the two noisiest people to ever go to college.

Jules. said...

Hi, SA!

Thanks for the Christmas wishes. Mine was kinda sad. But that's okay.

I hope you had a good Christmas.

And I hope you're well away from noisy roommates!


Anonymous said...

Sorry that your Christmas was sad Jules. I always fear that for myself and others, even though I know things like someone's death or a fire will happen. I just wish it didn't.

And I'm far away from those suitemates. Let's just say things didn't end all that well with them. :)