Friday, December 22, 2006


It's nearly 2pm on the last day of my weekend. Soon I will have to get out of bed.

My search for DSL is making me depressed. Verizon DSL, reasonably affordable, is not available in my area, and hasn't been for the last two years I've been asking for it. Optimum Online is. Why, oh why, will it cost me $600 a year for a fast connection? Is that reasonable? It feels like there are quite a few other things I can do with $600 a year. And if a company is providing my phone service (i.e., Verizon), they should be able to offer me DSL as well. Especially when their DSL is less than half the yearly cost of that other company.


Finished Gerald's Game last night. Do women *always* have to go insane to get their lives in order? Even with the slightly redemptive ending, the story made me a little sad.

I have another to replace on my book list - I found out that Jack London's To Build A Fire is only a short story.

I had been getting more and more excited about revising my NaNoNovel. It occurred to me that it might be nice, talking over the finer points of my novel with someone, to try to hash out some delicate points. It occurred that it also might be nice to have someone to read the first few chapters when they're done, just to get a qualified outside opinion on them. I went over to the critique section on NaNoPubYe, and it seemed like there were only a bunch of newbies like me, asking for time from experienced writers who have no time to give.

After a few comments from the NaNo Singles Lounge, something became apparent to me. Most people have trusted readers, in friends or relatives they knew already. Most people just "know someone". It is in these areas of life that I am at a disadvantage - I almost *never* just "know someone". Makes me feel a little melancholy and stifled.


No need to go too far down that road now. The new chapters aren't even written yet.

I may get a small Christmas tree, and perhaps some twinkly lights to go on it.

Mom said there was a box for me in town, perhaps containing a gift inside.




Anonymous said...

Awwww. Cheer up, my friend. The only reason why I have a trusted reader is, well, you already know the story behind it. :-)

Otherwise, I'd be in the same boat. I think the forum members in the Singles Lounge exchanging novels is a great idea.

Anonymous said...

BTW, Happy Holidays in case I don't hear from you during the weekend.