Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Okay. It's On.

I feel the last vestiges of my holiday moodiness snaking away, and so I decided to turn up the heat on my 101.

I won't describe the emotional blackmail I used to get myself to the gym today. But, I went to the gym for the first time in months, and did 20 minutes of cardio. Life always feels better after cardio.

I started Plot, my next foray into the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction Writing series. Dropped by Borders, picked up the Griffin and Sabine trilogy, Description (another one in the Writer's Digest series) and Lord of the Flies.

I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and got my new kitchen trashcan, which I'll show you later. They have a fabulous sale on Christmas lights, they're less than two bucks a box. I'm going back to get at least 6 more boxes of lights.

Heaven only knows what's going to happen after that.

I'd like to stop by the Morgan Library Bob Dylan exhibit this week.

There are four days of recording next week. I'm eating my Wheaties for that one now.



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Jules!

But, I went to the gym for the first time in months, and did 20 minutes of cardio. Life always feels better after cardio.

Funny, isn't it? I work out in the morning and never want to do it, always making some kind of excuse. But once it's done I feel so much better after. Stupid exercise.

I think I might have to invest into that Elements of Fiction Writing series after reading your input as well as some of the reviews on Amazon.

Jules. said...

Hi, SA!

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get to the gym much since then...


Some of the books in the EoFW series are *really* good. The two best ones for me so far are Character and Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card and Scene and Structure, which I believe is by Jack Bickham.

The more I read, the more I'm realizing my plot is in need of some serious ground level restructuring.
