Friday, January 12, 2007

What A Week.

This week has stretched me out. I'm all gummy and pink and thin in the middle.

I originally had four days booked in the studio this week. Without taking you through all the painful and absurd happenings, I did a total of one day in the studio this week. No drums got played, at all. It wasn't anyone's fault, per se. Just one thing on top of another. One thing on top of another thing. Ack. Ack, ack, ack. It was a difficult week.

And, I got sick!

I am a wheezing, sneezing, screeching, phlegm-filled, tired human being with a red, peeling, flaking nose. I've blown so much today that my nose hurts, all on its own.


It's okay, though. It's all okay.

All the bed tracks for my album are finished, at least. I'm headed up to Canada in the next couple of weeks, to finally get the drums done. This is a good plan, there are too many variables and distractions in the Brooklyn rehearsal space.

I've been reading a ton in preparation to re-start my novel. Writing the Breakout Novel was delicious. I am reading Creating Character Emotions. Quick read, but good stuff here. I bought the Best American Short Stories of 2006, and am tucking into that now.

Here's to a happy weekend.


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