Friday, February 02, 2007

FAWM/RPM - Day 2.

Another early writing session yielded the requisite three pages, and another song: Can't Recall The Moment You Fell Down. This is actually a full reworking of a song I wrote a year and half ago, new melody and all. Again, saving the pronouncement of "finished" until I get this down on tape. But the lyric is mostly complete and I'm happy with it.

Today I hung with my buddy JLaw.

We went to the Apple Store, which is way too slick for me. It's way too bright in there, as you might expect. Everyone's got a cool haircut. And there's protocol, a specific place to go depending on what you need. But not a single sign in the place.

The people behind the counter all wear t-shirts with the word "Genius." on it.

Seriously. That is their title: Genius.

After asian cole slaw and vietnamese coffee, we went and played more guitars on Ludlow Street.

My song pieces are all jumping in front of my face, begging to be finished. The challenge this week is to write a song with colors in the name. I have a couple on my list that I could work on.

Workweek starts tomorrow. Waking early to write a bit an prepare for my gig tomorrow night - singing backup with a friend of mine. Should be fun.


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