Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Only 3,200 words today. Halfway through Chapter 2.

I woke up with a tune in my head. Music had me for most of the day, really. There are so many musical project on the verge of finishing, and so many that need to get started that it's not funny. It's been a long while since I've been really enthused about that, so I just took the day to write songs and make notes.

Finished watching Eraserhead, finally. I then watched David Lynch's commentary, which lasted as long as the movie did.

Started writing Chapter 2 at nearly 9pm. Got halfway through the chapter and stopped writing at 11pm.

I'm half experiencing urges to go back to the beginning and edit like crazy. I really do want to be able to show my baby out at the end of the month and already it feels like SHE'S NOT GOING TO BE READY!!! The ideas are still flowing in for each section.

I am also fighting urges to steal prose. I don't know if I told you, but this novel is somewhat similar to one of my favorite novels. This man, one of the authors of my dreams, has tackled these themes better than I can (for the forseeable future) because he is a professional novelist and writes every day of his life. I promised myself I wouldn't go back and read his book, so I wouldn't steal from it any more than I already am. I can see it on my shelf, though, and have thought more than once about reaching for it.

I'm reading "Description" from the Writers Digest Fiction series. Good book. Makes me want to go back and rewrite every line of my unrefined prose.

Bed soon. Tomorrow I want to start early and log at least 8.5K, and get through the end of Chapter 3.


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