Friday, November 21, 2008

NaNo - Day 21. Challenge Check In #2.

Okay, another 2,711 in another 48 minute session. 8,389 total. Lots of dialogue, which tends to slow me down.

The good news is, I'm finally off the first page of my outline. Yay.

The bad news is, I have about nine more scenes to write, only just about halfway through my desired wordcount for the day. It's almost 1pm and I'm nowhere near finished.

I've overshot a little bit, so the word count comes down a little per scene - 1100, or thereabouts.

My wrists are twanging slightly, so I'm going to take a mini break for my new obsession - Sean Lock's 15 Storeys High. Great, great radio. The TV series is pretty great, but radio show is even more off the wall.

Sean Lock reminds me much of my favorite ex-boyfriend - borderline cockney, endearingly zany. Sean has an extra measure of keenness, brain-wise. He's totally believable, no matter what he says. I dig him.

England swings
like a pendulum do,

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