Saturday, February 28, 2009

FAWM - Day 28. The Last Day.

I tend to speak too soon.

I did in this yesterday's case.

I was frustrated with part one of the sound art (I'm not completely happy calling them "songs") that is going to be the first of my last three FAWM songs. I took a break, went into the chat, listened to cool Ben Nolan's podcast. Even called in and chatted with amazing FAWM champion Nancy Rost. That set me right. I went back to the track, added a few blips and bleeps, and suddenly there's a complete composition there.

And, Phil Norman did some great audio as my Dr. Shock Therapy in part two. I'm listening through to a preliminary versions now. The sample was *way* too overdriven and loud, I was troubleshooting with The Cow Exchange. He tried to explain a few things about mixing and mastering, almost none of which I have the knowledge to use well.

Hm. It makes me really want to learn to use my equipment.

So. Last night/this morning, I started assembling the third part of the trilogy. It's mostly one funky bass line, continuous all the way through the song. I lucked out with Drums on Demand, and found the *perfect* drummerly bits. It's probably the funkiest music I've ever made. I need a keyboard horn line, and perhaps some electric guitar strumming during the choruses.

After getting home from work at 9pm tonight, I'll finish assembling, throw down some vocals over it, and that will be FAWM 2009. Yay.

(I contemplated doing a track that was all three songs with transitions in between, but I think I'm getting ahead of myself. Especially with all the writing I have to do for class.)

For some reason, Charlie Cheney's show didn't happen today. It made me sad; it's the last day of summer camp anyway. I don't know what I'm going to do without all those folks as a part of my daily world. That community is so full of love.


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