Monday, November 02, 2009

NaNo - Day 2. An Outline!

Okay, so it's evening time, Day 2. I have something like an outline!

137 rough scenes. Five major storylines. I'm not even completely certain how a few of the story lines are going to end. I'm getting excited, though. And I have a title so cool that I'm not even going to share it.

I posted a thread on the board and suddenly have three nemeses; the four of us will race to 150,000. Competition! Yes!

I'm headed into town to go see the Michael Jackson movie with my NaNoing buddy Su. Someone else mentioned the movie to me today, and when Su suggested going to see it tonight, I had to say yes right away. I believe in signs from the universe like that.

Tomorrow will be busy. My personal trainer gave me a grueling workout for tomorrow (an "off" day), but I'd like to spend a significant chunk of time writing. 6000 words per day is a lot, yes, but I'll have to do around that to keep on track for 150,000 by months end.

I love figuring out the accounting. From then, it's just type, type, type!

Yay! It's on!

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