Sunday, November 12, 2006

NaNo - Day 12. Woah.

I'm feeling a second wind. With the novel. With music. And with life in general, actually.

And hot diggity, I'm 9000 words away from winning this race!

Because I had to spread ten scenes out over 20,000 words or so, the last few scenes I've written have been super detailed, compared to the first few I did. Some of those first scenes will get another visit, at some point. Every day I become a little more convinced that I might be able to make the story work as is.

But I've started to talk about my Second Story plot with people, and it seems to be resonating. The new work borders on thriller, almost. Hope I can muster up the skills to pull it off. I haven't sat down to outline it yet, but really need to over the next few days. With the month almost half over and much of my time going to music, I'm going to need to be super organized to pull off a second 50,000 words before November 30th.

It seems the real challenge starts now.

Robbie's won already! But we knew he would, didn't we? Congrats, Robbie.

I'm at work today and there is work to do, so I'm not sure if I'll get more time today to up my word count. But I've been doing really good with early morning sessions lately, so I'll get a few in this week.

Damien Rice's new album is out. Stream it here.



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