Monday, November 13, 2006

NaNo - Day 13. Noon.

The Neo is brilliant. It's too small not to just whip out on the mode of public transportation of my choice, or in my bed, and just type type type type.

I've been breaking each scene down into chunks and giving each chunk a word count. Each chunk gets a file on the Neo, so I can keep good track of my word count for each. In most cases I far exceed the word count I wanted for each scene. Which has the added bonus of making me feel great.

I did a chunk on the way home from work last night.
I did a couple of chunks when I woke up this morning.
I did a big chunk on the subway headed to work this morning (1,000 words, right there).

Two more scenes, folks. Another three thousand words. and then this first draft, as wobbly as it is, will be finished.

Oo, Work be *damned*. This is *too* irresistible not to try and finish today.


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