Friday, November 17, 2006

NaNo - Day 17. What Holly Said.

The author Holly Lisle has some nuggets of wisdom on her site that were too good for me to not share with you here:

In writing, as in life, nothing you do is ever wasted.

Hell hath no fury like a writer on a roll.

Do what you have to do, and do it the best you can, and learn to live with the heat; the heat comes with the kitchen.

There is no failure in fighting and losing if you get up and fight again. There is only failure in quitting - in walking away and leaving your dreams to die. Fight, and plan to win. You can do it. You're tougher than you think.

I've never read any of her books, but she knows what she's talking about, that Holly.

I probably won't start writing until Sunday.

I am plotting and character sketching up a storm, though. One thing I like about Novel #2 is that there are definite, big, even life-threating conflicts that my Main Character has - internal, with others, and with the world. Just have to make sure I'm keeping track of it all, and milking it for all it's worth.

Cursed with dialup at home, I won't be able to fully absorb my newfound internet treasures about abandoned hospitals until I get to my T1 line at work, i.e., tomorrow. I'm not going to spend too much time in research, I just want to have a head full of things swirling around so it will be extra easy to whip the writing cyclone up. The pictures on the web are *great*. And scary. Which is just what I need.

Now, off to the NaNo board to see if I can find someone who works in a hospital to GRILL!!! Heh, heh.

big love,


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