Saturday, November 25, 2006

NaNo - Day 25. Depression.

Ack. I'm feeling a low today.

I realized that it's likely that I won't actually finish Novel #2, even if I do get to 50,000 words.


This is making me sad - wasn't the whole point of NaNo to finish a story? It will probably be hard to maintain this kind of momentum after the end of November.


Anyhow, I'm trying to regroup. Only just finished today's output, 3600 words, or thereabouts. There are a little over 30 scenes left. I'm going to try to bring the required word count for each scene way down, and then typing like a maniac. I hate to feel like I'm rushing, but I'm so under-researched that it probably won't matter too too much, to skip to the main points of the action.

God, I hate to feel like I'm rushing...ERGH!

I don't feel right giving myself the purple winners bar until story #2 is something like being closed to finished.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Julia!

No, the whole point of NaNo is not to write a complete story. The whole point is to write the first 50,000 words of a story. We all know that's not enough words for a publishable novel, that more will need to be added later. Whether you end up needing 25K more in the middle, or at the end, is irrelevant.

Think about all you've learned in these four weeks. If you're at all like me, you started this not even sure you could write more than 10, 15 pages. Now, you know you can blow through 30 in a day! That's quite an accomplishment. I've learned an enormous amount about novel writing by doing this first story. You've done the first one, then taken all you've learned and put it to use writing a second, which I'm sure is much better. That's huge!

I prefer to think that the goal is not so much to finish something as to start something that has a good chance of turning into a worthwhile finished piece, and getting far enough along that you can see the end. I think you're well on your way to that.

And you're on page 4 in the word count list, for god's sake! :-)


Anonymous said...

Jules, please verify your word count before the end of the month. Someone last year raised a huge stink on the NaNo boards in December because they didn't get their purple bar.

I'm not kidding. Don't be that person.

Jules. said...

Hey Burt -

Thanks for your comments.

I take things way too seriously sometimes, and was reminded last night that all this story weaving is supposed to be fun! And it is, it is fun. There's a ways to go before this story looks like I want it to, but you're right, NaNo is all about counting the little victories.

And being that high up on the word count list *is* a boost.

Thanks for your words.

Robbie - I *will* validate before th end of the month, don't you worry about that!
