Sunday, November 26, 2006

NaNo - Day 26. Blue Bars Shooting Off Into Oblivion.

Current wordcount: 90,504
Today's wordcount: 4,845

Time spent writing: 2 hours
Time spent on NaNo Boards: All day, on and off

Today's soundtrack: Spooky building noises (I'm alone in the office).
Today's mood: Pretty good.

I'm going to consider 100,000 a goal, even though I'd need 103K+ to officially have 50K on Novel #2. I'm trying to pick up the pace a little. The outline does need quite a bit of reshuffling.

How many pages are in a standard chapter? Okay, well, how many words then?

I have the whole thing sectioned into thirteen chapters and I've just finished six. No work tomorrow, but I have to get four songs that, ahem, aren't really *written* yet in shape to play them into a tape recorder on Tuesday. Ack.

I just found out that I'm number 1 on the NYC list, wherever that is. And another Brooklyn NaNoer is *racing* *me*!

It's on!



Anonymous said...

Looks like there are two other Brooklynites right behind you, one at 88K, one at 87K. Knowing that, I won't be surprised to see you end up at 120K by Thursday! I know I wouldn't want to be the one racing with you. You're *way* too determined!

I had the whole day today to write, and you had to work, and still you've managed 600 words more than me. Damn! I'm going to write one more scene tonight, see if I can make it to 4,846!


Anonymous said...


Here I don't check in with your NaNo blog for a little while, and you've gone and written almost 100k words! You are astonishing!

Hey, you have been a huge inspiration for me this month. I didn't think I could finish another new song for my gig this week, but as I was sitting at the piano ready to throw in the towel, I thought, Hey. Jules can discipline herself to write two NOVELS this month. I can finish this song. And I did. :)

You amaze me!


Anonymous said...

Nice job!

Jules. said...

Thanks for your comments, folks!

Burt -
Knowing that I've got competition definitely wants me to ramp it up a notch. Kinda hard to do, when I have an impending recording session on Tuesday and music meetings all day Thursday.

But alas, I'm keeping Thursday free as the wind. I might gear up for another 10K day.

Show those folks who's *boss*.

Tee hee.

Kate -
Thanks for your sweet words. I'm glad you were able to push through and finish your song. Hope you had a good show.

Let's catch up soon, eh?

Robbie -
Thanks. Feeling any withdrawal from not writing at a mad pace? I don't know what I'm going to do when I don't have NaNo in my life.
