Tuesday, November 07, 2006

NaNo - Day 7. Election Day.

Happy Election Day!

Got up early and walked down the street to vote this morning. Took all of fifteen minutes. Civic duty: check.

In the I Can't Believe It File: Wow. I reached and surpassed the halfway point today. Another 21,666 words, and I can stick a fork in this sucker. Word count quota: check.

Even though I have some new ideas for this novel that would completely change everything I've done up till now, I've decided to finish the story I've got going. That is, I'll use the remaining word count to write through the eight or nine remaining scenes I've crudely mapped out for this tale.

Whether it stands on its own as a narrative is another question entirely, which I'm less prepared to answer right now. Much of this writing is disjointed and rambling; I'm not even writing the sections in order. Thank god I had the presence of mind to create (something like) an outline, or I'd be totally lost by now. I'll tell you a secret: I haven't re-read anything. Not one word.

Most of my output came today through surreptitious word wars on company time. It's been really slow today. There's another hour before I'm supposed to leave work, even. I may continue the harrowing scene I stopped in the middle of.

It's amazing what your brain and your fingers come up with, completely off the cuff. I had something completely unintended, but particularly damaging happen to my little Angel today. It's sad, but it makes a good setup for the last few turn of events.

Poor kid.

Joy: Going to see my friend Kate Evans play a few songs at The Living Room tonight. Looking forward to that!

Hope your Election Day
was/is/will be
a good one,


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