Monday, November 06, 2006

NaNo - Day 6. Evening.

It's time to leave work.

My attention span has decreased, from that of a fly, to that of a gnat. Yes, it's time to leave work for the evening.

Somehow I managed to type 3101 words today. Even with all the work I had to do. The Word War AIMers keep me on my toes, they really do.

My fears around doing NaNo were all about achieving the word count. The word count is easy. Plot is the hard thing. Writing a coherent narrative is the hard thing.


Today I got an inkling, though. I thought of a few shifts of my main character's personality and setting that might make him a little smarter. A little edgier. Not so sad sack. And infinitely more interesting.

This might work. I need to think on it. Next week, I'll introduce you to him.

I'm headed for 30,000 words by this Thursday.

I think I can,
I think I can,


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