Thursday, February 01, 2007

FAWM/RPM - Day 1. Noon.

It's almost noon.

It's freezing in my apartment. I am camped under the covers, trying to stay warm.

I got started shortly after midnight with the three pages of freewriting, and came up with a song in the wee hours. Stylistically, it's not typical for me. Upbeat. Major key. Usually not my thing.

I discovered yesterday that, while is songwriting challenge, is the album *recording* challenge. I'm doing both. The requirements are *slightly* different (RPM requires sending in an album of 10 songs, or 35 minutes of music).


What else can I tell you?

I need to get off my ass and get my guitar. It's hard getting motivated when your teeth are chattering. Why is it so cold in here?



Anonymous said...

Jules my dear... I was looking at the forecast for my area this weekend and by Sunday, they are predicting a HIGH of 5 for the day... and the lows... I don't wanna even think about it! Of course it warms up to 13 the next day with a low of zero... so at least it will go away! LOL

Hang tight... that big burst of energy will be back and you'll be turning in an HOUR and 35 minutes! Go get 'em girl!

Jules. said...

Oh My Gosh, V.

It's cold here, but it's *really* cold there. Wrap up warm!

And, you're right, I feel that burst of energy coming back. This month is going to be so musical I don't know how I'll stand it!

Rock on,
