Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm headed over to The Living Room to do some recording with my producer this morning, in a couple of hours. Have been practicing like mad all week.

I have found a man who inspires me.

He is a musician, naturally. But he's also a lightning rod, reaching his arm into the air and channeling electricity down from the heavens with his words. His words make my head spin in a way that it hasn't in a long, long time. The last few days I've been down down down, down, absorbing all I can of him, starving for more. He makes my mouth dry. Makes me want a bigger life, a life that might bring me face to face with him.

I'm wondering if I should stop waking up to the news. It's pretty depressing all the way around.

Here's a positive thing:
I've started exercising again. Even after a couple of weeks I am breathing (and singing) so much better. That's a good thing.


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