Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I, jaybizz, am a busy buzzing bee.


I sent all my CDs out this morning for the NaNo CD exchange.

I am steadily cleaning my house up and getting the space ready for the EXECUTIVE LEATHER DESK CHAIR which I will order from Staples tomorrow. They're bringing it to Brooklyn up four flights of stairs, which is mighty kind of them. The plastic abomination that currently sits in front of my desk/table will be shown the door hastily.

I've also been up early the past few morning occupied with a nifty little project that I'll show you in the next couple of days, as soon as it's done and I can take some pictures.

I've yet to start an outline for the big novel. Which frightens me a little, but I know that I have to do a ton of other things before my mind is free to work on it. The plan is to have the house all ship shape, bills paid by Thursday, and then sit in my NEW EXECUTIVE LEATHER DESK CHAIR and outline until the cows come home on Friday.

The outline for the little Novel in a Day, however, is growing nicely. I've outlined all the major plot points and now it's all about the detail (I'm saying that like *I* *even* *have* *a* *clue* what it's all about; I don't).

This morning I came in to work, and the usual entrance was blocked off. The hallway leading into my section of the floor looked like a tornado hit it, water dripping from the ceiling and floor boards all torn up, men in blue shirts buzzing around the area carrying strange diagnostic instruments. The suited security person told me there was a water pipe break on the fourth floor (I work on the third) and that most of the floor was trashed, except for the area where I work.

I walk the long way around to my office, and the wide screen TV behind the front desk people had close up coverage of the California fires.

I had a "What is this world coming to?" moment.

But I'm sitting at my desk now with my favorite cup of coffee, properly coffee-mated and then slightly cooled. My client is not in at the moment, my boss is not in at the moment. I love it when I'm allowed to ease into the end of my work week this way, think about the things that are important to *me*, with a laser printer and T1 line to hand.

Life is good.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm just checking in. In summary, I didn't have to evacuate from the fires. We're not done with them yet, but at least I can settle down for one evening without having to worry about new fires starting in my neighborhood. Log into your LiveJournal account and you can see all of my posts on the fires.
