Monday, November 05, 2007

Realism! Balance!

Okay, I've decided to give up the goal of doing 100K by Thursday.

Because I've been writing today...and LOVING it!

I've been spending time with my scenes, really moving in to the story in a way that I didn't have time to last Thursday. It's nice to write the same scene from different angles.

Things have started to pick up with music as well, there are some projects I need to get off the ground, and I want to give time to those too.

So, I figure, a chapter a day is a good pace. That roughly comes out to three four scenes, 8000-10000 words. That's a comfortable 5 or 6 hours of writing, which leaves me plenty of time to do other things. My novel is roughly 16 chapters. If each is 8000 words, that's 128,000 words by month's end. I'm comfortable with that.

Hooray! Realism! Balance!

Going to the city to get my mail, then I'm going to come back and try to get another 3,000 words in tonight before midnight (to make, roughly, 10K for the day, and the first chapter complete).


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