Sunday, November 04, 2007

No Rest for the Weary.

I've been all glowing for the past two days.

Then today I went into the "This Is Going Better Than I'd Hoped" Thread and saw some numbers that were higher than mine. Of course, my competitive instinct has *well* kicked in. I'm ready to bust it tomorrow.

Spent some time last night making notes for my outline. I'm trying to up the stakes for all my characters, ratchet the action and sense of urgency up a notch. I've been trying to read up on "craft" (I have nearly all of the Writers Digest Fiction Writing Series) but I realized there is no time. Word Count! It's all about the Word Count!

Okay, new goal, people.


100K by Thursday.

I don't believe I just said that, but there it is.

somebody get me
a straightjacket,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is insane, but don't let me stop you. Good luck!