Saturday, February 02, 2008

FAWM. Day 2.


I'm stuck at work, and I'm stuck on a lyric at the same time. Not a happy camper, me.

Had a nice dinner in town with a few friends last night, and then came home and worked on a bit from about 1am to 4am. Could be interesting, but so far it's not. The lack of words (usually my strong point) is really bumming me out.

Songs never come when I try to force. I can make something fit over a melody line, but I don't ever feel good when I force it. I'm trying to make this lyric "make sense" and I don't work like that, usually. A part of me that I can't control at all speaks in metaphor. And right now, that part is *silent*.


And I'm at work. And it's dreary outside.

Going to go
try to find
something productive
to do with myself,


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