Sunday, February 24, 2008

Woah. Got Sucked into a FAWM Vortex There. Day 24.

Wow, sorry for taking such a blogging hiatus, there.

I am utterly and completely consumed. By a few things, one of which is FAWM itself. People are doing some *great* work this year. I've been trying to hold up my end. My electric guitar has been getting its revenge, being so much fun to play, especially when combined with the POD. Still Wanting More is about twelve guitar tracks, stacked over a couple of hours. Was terrificly fun to do that one. I've also been pushing the limits of my fingerpicking, and the tracks have been surprisingly trouble-free. Hm.

It's really hard for me to not start comparing my work to other people's. This throws me into an existential depression. I've been skirting around the edges of it, truthfully, but haven't fallen in. It's a theme in my life, to feel like a chronic outsider, to see all the Regulars patting themselves on the back on the other side of the glass. It's okay, though. I know that I do the best for myself just going on my merry way.

I'm probably not going to finish with 14(.5). But, I will try to get to 10. Which is where I think I was last year. Or maybe not, my memory is *terrible* these days. I am currently at 7.

There are a couple of other things consuming my thoughts. One is another musical project with a March 15th deadline. I am *itching* to start, and will provide more details in a few days, once FAWM is over.

And then, my life has been meteored by something else I wasn't expecting. No worries...It's all good.

Oh yeah, and my album gets mastered next week!

It's all happening,

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