Monday, November 17, 2008

Nano - Day 17. 10K words.

I wrote quite a bit today: 10,482 words.

Not to say that any of those words are particularly inspiring, but they got written, somehow.

Going to the write in helped. Write or Die this morning helped. The additional session in Barnes and Noble helped.

My total word count is 27,253. Over halfway there. I'm only just out of part 1 (of four parts). Hm.

I am a little exhausted. There's lots going on.



Burt said...

Hey Jules!

Nice to see you're making up ground. I'm not doing NaNo this year, but I checked in a few days ago and was surprised to see that you were off to a slow start. I hope you're doing well, and enjoying the writing. How are the CD sales and promotion going?

I've been spending all my creative time over the last four months reading and writing poetry. I thought about switching to the novel for November, but I didn't have an idea, and I'm still really into the poems. I'm a bit obsessed!

All the best!

Jules. said...

Hey Burt!

Yes, I got off to a really slow start, and am still feeling undermotivated. But that's okay, I'm still determined to finish.

That's so cool that you're into poetry: which poets? I hardly know anything about poetry. But, I've been reading a lot of Neruda lately.
