Saturday, February 07, 2009

FAWM - Day 7. End. Tired.

I managed to finish a song today.

I thought it was cheesy, and a little too folk pop, but some nice people said some good things, so maybe I'll rethink that.

It started with a guitar part I've been plunking at. My thin body guitar, my "bedroom" guitar, has crud on the strings, but I used that anyway. Had to do four or five complete passes before I got one without an obnoxious amount of string noise.

(Guitarists, if any of you have any tips for lessening string noise, I would be very grateful to know them.)

I thought the guitar was kinda naked, so I added a pad and some plonky piano. It doesn't sound half bad, actually.

I fully planned on starting at least one more tonight, but I laid down, then opened my eyes two hours later, unable to lift my head. I think it was because I hadn't had dinner, and my blood sugar was past bottom. Ack! I got some coffee and a couple of table spoons of peanut butter.


I had the other two songs I wanted to work on, but I kinda want to pull something out of thin air, for my next trick. The one I did today was kinda mellow, I feel like I want another surprise rock song again. I wish I could rap. Oh my god, the boys at the FAWM site can rap. I wish I could do that.

Work tomorrow. And I must start my reading and critiquing for class on Wednesday. There's a LOT to do.


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