Monday, February 01, 2010

FAWM. Day 1.

I am sick.

I'm coughing up a rainbow assortment of mucus. My head is swimming in sinus.

I'm not sure what's going to happen for FAWM this year. I am writing for a new record, and that FAWMy, try-anything energy might oppose the very deliberate approach I'm taking for the record. But we'll see. There's so much songstuff floating around, I might be able to pull something out.

I'm back in Brooklyn (after a month spent in Florida) and bouncing around like a jumping bean. I've started a series of weekly meetings with my producer, and I've promised a sizable amount of output each week. The songs don't even have to be complete, just sketched out. This is a very different way of working for me, I tend to let things sit. For months. Or years. Until I feel like they're done.

Because everything is on the table right now, sound, direction, etc., I feel like it's more important to cycle through the ideas in a tangible way, and then pick what is the most compelling. This forces me to get it all down, and to lose my worries about allowing someone to hear something nascent or premature.

For now though, I will toast the arrival of February with a cup of peach flavored green tea.


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