Tuesday, February 02, 2010

FAWM. Day 2.

Yesterday was a bit nuts.

I sat down to write and *all* *this* *stuff* came out.

Loop CDs are amazing. A few years ago I spent a pretty penny on a few. And they have stood me in very good stead. Yesterday I just picked a few samples at random, and came up with a few workable FAWM ideas! Woot!

Having too many ideas can be as bad for me as not having any, though.

It's early: 8:30am. I am giving priority today to the work I'm doing with my producer. Going to solidify a couple of song structures, and see if I can fill in a few lyric holes.

There's no singing anyway. I still sound froggy and ill. But it might just be time to create guitar tracks.



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