Monday, November 13, 2006

NaNo - Day 13. Correction.

Correction - that's another 1,828 words.




Anonymous said...

Amazing! How is it that you write more on the days you work than you do on the days you don't?


And what's a Neo, and how did you get one?


Jules. said...

Hi Burt -

Weekends here are incredibly slack. I went in to to the AIM room to do word wars, and came out 1.5 hours later with almost 2,500 words.

I didn't get a chance to write at work today though - :(

A Neo is a little wordprocessing device. I was *very* skeptical when I first read about it.

I got it from NaNoWriMo, they have a laptop lending program that I applied for -->

It's been *saving* *my* *life* though. To knock out a thousand words on the subway this morning was amazing! The thing sits comfortably in your lap and runs on batteries, so I think it's more portable than even a laptop. But there's one addition - there's NO DISTRACTIONS! I get so distracted sometimes by the internet and other applications...

When I'm working on the Neo, there's *none* *of* *that*.

I'm thinking of taking my internet laptop home tonight, so I can finish my novel and load it up, even if it's 3am.


Hope all's going well with you,
