Wednesday, November 15, 2006

NaNo - Day 15. The Decision Point.


Today I thought of another couple of scenes to add to Novel #1. Did some word wars, which yielded me about 2000 words in an hour.

And, since I'm calling it Novel #1, I guess there has to be a Novel #2.

Yes, I'm going to go ahead with the second one. What else am I going to do with the rest of my time this month?

That is, besides make my album. I got to talk music all day with one of my producers, a guy who is has been making music for long time and has a lot of great history. That was delicious.

But this second plot is calling to me, big time. And so, I must try to give it life.

Novel #2 is *huge*. Well, not huge, just involved. I'm staying up tonight, with my index cards and three different colored markers, see if I can fashion a coherent plot line.

I like being busy. We're going to see how busy I can make myself this month.



(PS - today I got wind of That's pretty frickin' awesome.)


Anonymous said...

Jules, you should check out as well. I'm on there most of the year under the same screen name.

Good luck with the second novel. When I'm done with mine, I'm done period.

Anonymous said...

I was looking forward to NaNoEdMo ("Ed" = Editing) in March, but apparently that site died after last year. Some folks are trying to resuscitate it.

I'm glad to see you're still writing.

I have a CD mix ready for you, finally, if you'll send me your address.


Anita Powell said...

Are you planning to do WriYe in 2007? I attempted in 2006 and lost momentum in March due to personal circumstances, but I'm going to try again next year. I'll look for you on the forums at WriYe!

Jules. said...

Robbie and Anita -

Thanks for the tips! I definitely need to write more regularly, and the idea of writing for publication is thrilling. It's nice to know that there are online communities to provide support throughout the year. I will join both when I figure out which way is up.

I *can't* *believe* that there are people who write *3* *million* words a year! That's *crazy*.
