Thursday, November 02, 2006

NaNo - Day 2. Morning.

It's 8:30am.

My head is pounding, and I feel hung over and sick.

I'm not sure why this is, except that I was up until way too late in the morning, until 3:30am, or so, watching Wire in the Blood. A friend taped the new series from BBC America and I watched the first three episodes. I'm a little miffed about the direction the show has taken since the departure of Hermione Norris. Simone Lahbib is trying. But it seems like all the other characters have degenerated to cardboard cutouts now that Hermione's gone. DI Alex Fielding's pretty flat (I love the way she dashes into a crime scene, tells everyone else to do the work, then leaves). I'm also not sure if DI Fielding is good at her job. Hermione's Carol Jordan was much more of a match for Tony Hill, intellectually *and* chemistry-wise. In the past series, there was also a lot more going on with the secondary characters, unexpected storylines that made them interesting to watch as well (like the rivalry between Don Merrick and Kevin Geoffries). Wire in the Blood Series 4 could also be called "The Robson Green Show."

I heard that something similar is happening to my lovely House, as well. I haven't been able to watch any of the new series (my TV is *fried*). I also have officially given up on the SAW franchise - SAW III was *awful*.


It's coming up on 9am. I will get some breakfast, feed the kitties, see if I can kill this headache, then start writing at 10am. And I won't stop until I've typed at least 4000 words.


People racked up some *amazing* word counts yesterday. I may take some time to go hunting around on the NaNo forum today, see if I can meet some new folks and network. Still haven't decided on whether to go to the meet up tomorrow - I'm in the studio tomorrow during the day and might need time to write tomorrow night.

Burt says he's getting himself an ipod upon completion of his 50,000 words. I hadn't thought about a reward gift, that's a good idea.

I'll think on that.

It's all good,



Anonymous said...

Is Robson Green on *every* drama on BBC America?! I loved Touching Evil, and liked him in the mini-series Take Me too. I've never seen Wire in the Blood though.

I used to watch BBC America all the time. There were several shows I loved (The Office, Coupling, Peep Show, Touching Evil, NY-LON). Lately, though, it seems they're always playing the same tired reality shows over and over.

I tried watching House the other night. House himself is great, but the rest of the show seems like a typical cookie-cutter hospital drama.

Have a great day with lots and lots of words!


Sandra Scoppettone said...

Has it ever occurred to anyone that no one would buy a novel that only has 50,000 words? The average novel used to be 65,000 words and now it's about 85,000.

But good luck.

Simone Lahbib is a splendid actress, I think. She can't help it if the scripts aren't good.