Friday, November 03, 2006

NaNo - Day 3. The last few minutes.

Was out and about today for most of the day. I managed to get in nearly a thousand words at 7:45am, did some writing into a notebook on the way home tonight, and participated in a word war that probably netted me an extra seven or eight hundred words. At the end of the day, I landed just over 14,000.

Was in the studio for most of the day, then went to the NaNo meetup at Veselka in the city. Got there late, in time enough for some coffee and eggs and cheese. Nice people there.

My below mentioned lack of plot has been on my mind all day.

It's not necessarily bad that my book lacks Archplot; Robert McKee let me know ages ago that my book is probably Miniplot instead. But there's got to be something that joins one scene to another, some yearning in my main character that stays with him from the beginning to the end.

Dunno. I'll have to write my way through this one, folks.

Work tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how much gets done.



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