Friday, December 15, 2006

101 — I Made This.

Hey, y'all. Check this out:

I took my first knitting lesson last Monday, with Raashida at Knit New York. Turns out, KNY is its own little world, a knitcrafter's *paradise*. It's quite bright and spacious, with skeins of yarn in friendly colored batches lining the walls from floor to ceiling. There is also an *amazing* array of pastries, teas and sweets that you can sticky your fingers with while yarncrafting.

I felt like a camel trying to shell an oyster while getting my first knitting lesson. Raashida got me through the basics, in about an hour. It wasn't until I bought my own skein of yarn and started making the hat that I found my rythym. I had the majority of the rows done last night, and went in tonight to learn how to finish off the hat. I got a few lovely comments on it while finishing the last few rows. Once this first inaugural hat was finished, I got more yarn to make a hat that I can actually wear (my hair is, um, quite aggressive, so I need a bigger hat than most people). I got a lovely burgundy-colored yarn for it, and have plans to create a matching scarf. I also bought my very own copy of Stitch 'N Bitch.

I am feeling an increased sense of power, holding the idea of making things I can design myself, for myself. At least, that's #66 crossed off the list.

Sexing the Cherry is a luscious read. Nearly done with it, there are a couple of juicy bits I'll have to share with you next post.

Netflix has done its thing and sent me Election. Will get that in tomorrow.

Life is sweet.



Burt said...

Nice hat -- well done!

I have a character in my NaNoNovel named "Rashida" (no double-a though).

NetFlix seems to be sending you all the mainstream, lightweight movies first. Did you like "Holy Smoke"?

I'm glad to hear that "life is sweet." (Now there's a good movie for MY list.)

Anonymous said...

Nice hat Jules! I can only hope to make something like that when I finally take some lessons. And nice to hear that things are going pretty good for you since your hectic week past.

BTW-don't throw your clothes out. Donate them to Goodwill or another such cause. Just a thought.

elbee said...
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Jodi said...

I've been wanting to get back into knitting for such a long time -- and make something -- instead of just rugs for my Barbie dolls...we need to chat!!

Jules. said...


Thanks for your comments on my hat.

Hey, Burt - The first few movies in my queue were all off the top of my head. The ones later on in the list I actually got from Robert McKee's Story, as good examples of Archplots and Miniplots (i.e., they don't follow the traditional story trajectory).

I saw Election a couple of nights ago, will post about it after I've gotten some sleep. Seemingly lightweight, but it resonated a little more than I thought it would. I saw Life Is Sweet, great Mike Leigh. Can't wait to see Naked (again).

SA- This particular hat was a cinch (the one I'm making now, the burgundy one that will fit my head, is harder. The yarn is much smaller and pattern more complicated). Find your local yarn shop and take some lessons!

And yes, I must find the Salvation Army number, and get rid of my old clothes logically and methodically. Instead of throwing them all out the window, just because I'm sick of looking at them.

Jodi - Go to Knit New York and just look around! It's a really friendly place and if you took lessons there, I think you'd really enjoy it. We will chat soon, as soon as I sleep off some of this this Christmas gift wrapping tiredness.

cheers all,


Anita Powell said...

Nice hat! I'm still working on a basic garter stitch scarf, so you're ahead of me! I just bought Stitch n Bitch myself and love it!