Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Damn, it's been *ages*.

It's been a long long time, even for my standards. I figure I should write in and say...something.

November is coming, faster than I'm comfortable with. I have to write a novel in November, I know. But I have no ideas, not the shell of a worm of an idea. My favorite thing to do is to go to the seventh sanctum's idea generator. Not that that's really helped me think of something to do for November.

I'm trying to recruit my friends to write novels. Because I want company. It's a burgeoning theme - I've been a lone wolf all my life. Now I want my tribe. I want a tribe around me, doing the crazy things I do, with me. I want that.

I'm still making an album. I'm a little closer to finish than when last I wrote, but I'm still not finished. Too much drama to recount here. Hope to be done by October's end.

I have read some good books: Cormac McCarthy's The Road, lots of delicious Martin Amis, I'm reading Nabokov's Lolita.

Have seen some great Netflix: Jan Svankmeyer's films, The Office (UK),

There's some good stuff on YouTube: Bill Maher's Real Time, Sensitive Skin, lots of good political documentaries.

Work is less and less satisfactory. I'm sitting here now, my brain about to explode. Some chance encounters with some of my favorite musicians have left me wanting the lives they lead. They travel and make music and meet each other for coffee while we office drones are wasting our lives in front of computers getting brain cancer.

I don't know.

I promise to write soon. And have something a little more positive to say.


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